About Us
The story of two humans, a doggo and their sailboat
We were really tired of working our butts off for a life we didn't want.
Every day, we worked jobs we weren't excited about to build a life we didn't really want to be a part of that was destroying the things we loved the most- the natural world and the health of our friends and family.
So, we spent a few years wondering what we could do to change our lifestyle and therefore spend our time building the world we wanted to live in while also making ourselves happy.
We ended up here- on a sailboat, in the Pacific Northwest, on a journey to live life more sustainably, more independently and closer to the land and the nature that we love so much.
With every decision we make, we attempt to add value to the world we live in while also making ourselves happy. This means minimizing our footprint wherever we can, living as close to nature as we can and creating a life where we can travel the world while doing the least amount of damage possible. We are far from perfect in this process, but that is our constant goal and the guiding principles behind our journey into liveaboard boat life on a steel sailboat.
To share our adventures and learning with you, we create videos and blog posts that tell you the honest truth about your adventures- that includes the embarrassing, disappointing and amazing parts. We don't sugar coat or manipulate our experience. We show you what our experience is really like- the good, the bad and the ugly.
We are currently traveling around Vancouver Island with a goal of eventually traveling north through the Northwest Passage and to Northern Europe. We have a very long way to go until we are ready for this journey, but we would love for you to join us along the way.
Captain Max
The star of the show
Lets be honest, if you've been watching our Youtube videos, it probably isn't to see Taryn or Logan. It's to see me- the Captain Max.
I'm a 9 year old lab-husky cross. I sometimes have a bit of an attitude, but there's nothing I love more than hanging out with my people, especially if if's while we run through the forest.

the always cold first mate
I'm the one responsible for the videography, photography, editing and dragging Max and Logan into this crazy Youtube adventure.
I'm cold all the time and I'm the only one of the three of us why can handle temperatures over 25 degrees.
The idea of living a life close to nature on a sailboat was just too amazing for me to say no to, so I am all in on this adventure.
Before we even decided to live the "alternative" life, I was a photographer with a degree in geography and urban planning and a passion for doing what needed ot be done to make the world a better place.
I also have a huge passion for local food and foraging and feel so deeply nurtured when our food comes from the place we know. So we hope to expand that area of our lives through this journey and to share those experiences with you as well.
Oh, also I can weld- it used to be my career- so that is a huge part of why we have been so stoked on a steel boat!
The Shantyman
"Give me coffee or give me death!"
Ok, that may be a bit overboard (lol). I'm the guy who keeps the boat running. As a heavy duty mechanic by trade, I have acquired many skills that translate well to boat work, especially on a steel boat.
I grew up on a self- sufficient farm and learned many skills in my childhood that have transferred into boat problem solving, as well as valuable survival skills while out on the water.
I also enjoy a good dark beer and time spent exploring nature.

SV Unna
Our floating home
Unna is a cutter rigged Van De Stadt Norman 40 who was built in Amsterdam in 1996. She is a steel sailboat, which is exactly what we wanted!
Unna has two cabins, a large salon that could be a pilothouse, but technically isn't as there is no wheel inside. But, she has incredibly large and bright windows that are angled in order to avoid her from ever taking the full force of a breaking wave.
She was also built for offshore sailing, but with a shallow enough draft to cruise the European canals.
We are so stoked on her! She is perfect for us, even though she will be a ton of work (cuz #steelboatlife)
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