Since I was a child, I have dreamed of visiting castles. Not just any old castle either, but ones with history reaching back to the mideval times- the type of castles that you step into and instantly feel the history oozing from its walls. Leap castle was exactly that type of castle.
Built sometime between the 12th and 15th century (depending on who you ask, I guess), Leap Castle is drenches in centuries of history and that history begins to show itself with the first look.
Currently privately owned by Sean Ryan and in the process of being restored, the castle is open during certain hours for self- guided tours. Sean is also a lovely man to talk to and plays a mean bit of traditional Irish music.
Leap castle is known as the most haunted castle in Ireland, and although this wasn't what Sean was looking to discuss on our visit, that sentiment was not lost on me an only served to excite me even more.
We wandered around the castle, finally stopping at its top floor chapel when I took a few moments by the window to just enjoy and revel in this literal dream come true. I didn't want to leave. Castles like this- history like this- are my happy places. I have also attached two videos at the bottom of this post- one showing our adventures at the castle (starting at 5:56) and the second showing Sean playing his lovely music :).
